Food is one of the factors that affect blood sugar levels. If anyone has a health check and finds that their blood sugar is too high, Your may recommend adjusting your eating habits. which can be easily adjusted I don’t want too much. You can start doing it yourself. Just choose to eat the right food.
It is well known that Consuming foods high in sugar can put you at risk for many health problems. Whether it is obesity Insulin resistance high blood pressure or even heart disease. For this reason, many people try to eat less food or drinks that contain sugar. But did you know that Some foods contain unexpectedly high amounts of hidden sugar. This may cause the body to have more sugar than it needs without realizing it.
At present food And there are a wide variety of drinks to choose from, which is another factor in the emergence of new diseases as well if we are not careful in our consumption choices. Maybe food is the main reason why we get sick. Therefore, choosing food to consume And good drinks can help you stay healthy. โปรโมชั่น ufabet recommend foods high in sugar that should be consum carefully as follows:
Cereal: On a very busy morning Eating cereal may be the most convenient option. But this delicious breakfast may contain a lot of sugar. which may result in blood sugar and insulin levels rise rapidly After a few hours, the sugar level will drop so low that it is easy to become hungry. Therefore, if you have to eat cereal for breakfast. Read nutrition labels carefully and choose cereals that contain less than 5 grams of sugar per serving. Choose the type that is high in fiber. and always consume in the right amount.
Granola: Even if it is a low-fat breakfast But with ingredients that enhance the flavor of granola, such as honey, nuts, dried fruit, and other sweeteners, granola can contain a lot of sugar and calories. 100 grams can contain up to around 400 calories and may contain more than 6 teaspoons of sugar, so consumers should buy granola that doesn’t contain too much sugar. Or you can sprinkle the granola over yogurt and fruit instead of eating the whole bowl of granola.
Flavored yogurt: Although yogurt is a dairy product that has health benefits, But yogurt that is flavor with various flavors, whether it’s fruit, caramel or chocolate. It may contain up to 28 grams of sugar per cup, while natural yogurt has only 7 grams of sugar. So before buying yogurt, Consumers should read nutrient information labels carefully. Avoid yogurt that contains large amounts of sugar or syrup. And you should avoid low-fat yogurt, which often has added sugar to improve the taste. You may choose to eat Greek yogurt or natural yogurt with a little fruit or honey instead. To prevent health problems caused by the body getting more sugar than necessary.
Salad Dressing: Eating salad is a good choice for those looking to improve their health or lose weight. But some salad dressings can contain as much as 4 grams of sugar in 1 tablespoon. Therefore, to avoid exceeding the recommended daily intake of sugar, Be careful when choosing salad dressing. Especially clear salad dressings and salad dressings that do not contain fat. This is because manufacturers often add sugar to enhance the taste. You can easily make your own healthy salad dressing by using olive oil and lemon juice instead of ready-made salad dressing.
Tomato ketchup: It is a seasoning that is universally eaten all over the world. But there is so much sugar in it that it may shock many people. 1 tablespoon of ketchup may contain up to 1 teaspoon of sugar, so eat the right amount of ketchup. And read the nutrition label first to make sure it doesn’t contain excessive sugar or sugary ingredients. Which is a type of syrup that is sweeten from corn.